About Electro-Homeopathy

In Count Ceasre Mattei words "Electrohomoeopathy is homoeopathy raised to the perfection of certain and radical medicine by the discovery of new therapeutic agents which he called elctriodes, acting on the blood and giving force to the organism to disengage itself from the morbid principles which change it."

This materia medica has been discovered, like homoepathy, of which it is the crowning point, by experiment; it rests entirely on experimental data; it is therefore true. Like the truth it is also simple.
We can see how simple its effects if we explained by principles. The body of man is impregnated with certain impurities or principles which some call herpectic, others scrofulous and which Hanhnemann called psoric . These principles vitiate the orgnaisation and predispose it to numerous diseases. But there exist, to expel them, remedies which Count Mattei name Anti-scrofulous. The vitiation frequently invades the white vessels, brings on serious changes of the lymph. But there are remedies which count Mattei name Anti-Cancerous.

At other times the vitiation gains the sanguine system, produces alteration of the red vessels and diseases the arteries and veins. There exist remedies that Mattei name anti-vascular, Anti- angiotic. With the help of these three kinds of remedies nearly all these maladies can be successfully treated.

If we see in depth than we find the Electroomoepathy system is based on the concept of healing of temperament and Count mattei on priority discover the three tempermental remdies.v.i.z Anti- scrofulous (For Lymphatic Temperament), Anti-angitico (For Sanguine temperament) Anti –Canceroso ( Used with Anti-scorfoloso or Anti-angitico for Mixed temperament). According to Mattei and science of iridology which is only one tool of Diagnosis used in Electrohomoeopathy a person belong to relating temperament must suffer from the disorders of that through out the life. For example, if a person belong to the lymphatic temperament than he/she is more prone to the disorders relating to the Lymph fluid and the remedy of first choice for them is Antiscrofulous and if belong to sanguine temperament than he/she is prone to the blood disorders through out the life and the remedy of first choice for them is Anti-Angiotico and if person belong to the Mixed temperament than he/she is prone to have the disorders from both Lymph and Blood through out the life and the remedy of first choice for them is Anticanceroso along with either one of Antiscrofulous or Antiangitico.

In general thesis, there are only two primitive causes of diseases (and two class of remedies) namely: the vitiation of the Blood and the Vitiation of the Lymph. But it ought to be remarked :

1. That the lymph and the blood are two joint agents in the functions of the organism; the vitiation of one entrains ,sooner or later,that of the other; hence ,the mixed diseases which must be attacked by the two classes of remedies alternatively.

2.The antiscrofulous exert a general action on the metabolism of lymphatic system as the antiangiotics act on the metabolism of blood system.

All the remedies are comprised under the Law of Similars, in the sense that, if given in large doses, they reveal the symptoms of the maladies of which, in proper doses, they eradicate even the cause. But as per Count Mattei , his experience does not prove that this dosology produces and morbid symptoms, in a healthy subject, who has no predisposition to or no germ of disease. In this, electrohomeopathy has not hitherto confirmed in all its generalities, the Law of Hahnemann.

All these remedies are extracted from non poisonous plants, as is proved by experiment and analysis. Finally the blood and the lymph, although circulating in two systems of vessels perfectly distinct, have their common origin in the laboratory of digestion, which furnishes incessantly the materials constituting the pieces of the organization for the maintenance of the life.

It results that the diseases of the lymph encroach upon the blood and vice versa; hence the necessity to have recourse to two or more alternated remedies to insure the cure.