Indian Electro Homeopathic Medical Council New Delhi is an autonomous organization impating education in Electro Homoeopathy through regular classes,correspondence courses and pratical training through our affiliated institutions and centres.
Aim & Objectives : The main aims of the Council are :
1.To promote the Electro Homeopathic System of Medicine in all over the India.
2.To provide easy,prompt effective and cheap system of treatment in Electro Homeopathy medicines through various researches and there should be research institute.
3.T o guide and help the alternative medical practitioners already engaged in Electro Homeopathic system of medicines by providing latest literatures,medicines and results of researches of the medical practitioners and to help them in solving problems.
4.To guide the Executive Committee of the council and to guide the practitioners of this system.
5.To run Electro homeopathic/alternative medical colleges,institutes/centers and hospitals in various parts of the Country to promote Electro Homeopathic system of Medicines.
6.To hold examination of the Electro Homeopathic system and provide certificates and diploma to those who qualify the examination.
7.To educate the alternative medical practitioners in the Electro Homeopathic Medicines and to register them for maintaining the serial.
8.To publish literature and to promote the manufacture to propagate the useful system and to popularize upliftment of the Electro Homeopathic Medicines.
9.To seek co-ordination and support from all individuals,agencies,associations.Government and nations who already recognize the Electro Homeopathic/Alternative system of Medicines.
10.The executives committee of the council will frame rules,in accordance with the spirits and aim of the courtification for the smooth functitioning of the council.
11.To constitute the management committees of Electro Homeopathic institutions and hospitals for the education,promotion,research examinations,registration and propagation of Electro Homeopathy in every state till the recognition of the EHP system by the government.
12. Procedure of affiliation-
(1) An application for affiliation on prescribed form and should be given to Registrar of the Council alongwith Rs.10000/- as processing fee.The management Committee of the applicant Institutions/Centre shall have to pay T.A &D.A of the convenor as per rules.
(2) The T.A. of Convenor will be 1st Class fare of both ways and Rs.1000/per day,as D.A.
(3) The Convenor his report to the Executive Council.
(4) The Executive Council will take decision about the affiliation.
(5) The Registrar can give provisional affiliation/permission subject to the confirmation of the Executive Committee of the Council in such circumstances when Executive Council is not meeting shortly and it is the interest of the Institute/Center and Council to give affiliation.
(6) The Registrar can inspect himself or can depute any inspecting authority.
(7) If the Registrar deputes some one as inspecting authority,he will submit his report to the Registrar.
The Counci will frames rules and bye-laws for examination,prospectus, academic,game,etc.for the smooth running of,the council.
(8)Any amendment of the Constitution can be made by 2/3 rd Majority.
13. Scheme of administration for affiliated Instt./Centers-
(1) There should be parent body which will elect nine members for the management committee of the Institute for three years.
(2)Principal/Director of the Institute and one teacher representative by rotation for one year, shall be member of the Management Committee of the Institution.
(3)These members will elect following office bearers-
(1) President
(2) Vice-President
(3) Secretary
(4) Manager
(4)Duties and Power of the Office bearers-
(Management Committee)
(1) All property of the movable and immovable and shall be vest in management committee and it will be responsible for all assests and liabilities.
(2)To exercise all the powers conferred under the scheme.
(3)To approve the general budget.
(4) To appoint suspend and terminate the services of the staff subject of the approval of council.
(5)To look after all properties of the Institution,to maintain accounts of the Institution in Bank and control administration of the Institution.
(6)To receive the income and donations arid shall be liable for all payments of expenditure and aids.
(a) President:
(1)To preside over the meetings.
(2)To call the meetings on the written requisition of five members.
(3)To sign jointly with the secretary for any contract or deed of Immovable properties.
(b) Vice-President:
(1)In the absence of president all powers of President.To perform such powers and duties as delegated to him by President.
(1)Principal/ Director of the Institutions can be the Secretary of the Management Committee.
(2) To receive all grants, donations,subscriptions, contributions and income and to issue proper receipts for them.
(3) He shall be responsible to manage and safe custody of all properties of the Institution.
(4)He shall administer financial control within the provisions of budget. He shall put annual budget before the committee at least one month before 31st March, the end of financial year.
(5) He shall sign all documents with President and shall also look after all legal proceedings. He will verify the plaint,written statement on behalf of the Managing Committee. He shall be mainly responsible on behalf of management for all acts.He shall represent the Management Committee in all legal proceedings Instt.
(6) To operate joint accounts of the Institution with treasures.
(7) To arrange annual audit of the accounts of the Institution.
(8)To grant leave to staff,payment of salaries and other authorized expenditure.
(9) To prepare annual budget with the the help of the treasurer.
(10) To make enquires against the staff subject to the confirmation of the Committee and approval of the Council.
(11)To make enquires against the staff and take disciplinary action subject to confirmation of the Management Committee.
(12) To act as the Chief Executive Agency of the Management Committee,he shall be responsible for all correspondence.
(13) He can all the emergent meetings with the consulation of Manager.
(d) Manager:
(1) To call ordinary meeting and emergent meetings with the approval of the President.
(2) He shall maintain all record of the meetings.
(3) He will be responsible for implementation of all directions and resolutions of the Committee, are faithfully compiled.
(4) He shall be responsible to look after that the institution is duly managed with in the provision of constitution and scheme of administration.
(5) To grant leave of Principal/Director.
(6) He will be responsible to manage the out-door dispensary and hospitals.
(e) Treasurer:
(1) To keep accounts of all funds and money of the institution.
(2) To recommend the Secretary,payments against authorized expenditures.
(3) To prepare annual statement of income and expenditure and submit it to Committee consideration.
(4) He will get accounts audited by experienced and qualified auditor annually and submit audit report to the Committee.
(f) Budget:
The annual budget proposals shall be prepared for every beginning 1st April to 31st March by the Secretary to President before 31st January. The Committee should pass the budget at least 30 days before the beginning of the next financial year.
(g) Meeting of the Committee:
(1) Ordinary meeting of the Committee shall be called by the Secretary with the consulation with MANAGER at least once a quarter.
(2) EMERGANT MEETINGS:, Secretary with the consulatation of manager,when necessary shall call the emergent meeting.
(3) President shall on the written request of at least four members submitting resolution of specific subject for consideration, call a meeting of the Committee.
(h) Notice of Meeting:
At least seven clear days notice shall be given for an ordinary meeting of the Committee and three clear days notice for an emergent meeting provided that sending by post at least nine days before the date of the ordinary meeting and 5 days before the date of emergent meeting shall be deemed sufficient service on him in due time. The Notice shall contain the Agenda and specify the place and time of the meeting.
(i) Quorum and adjourned meeting:
Three members shall from the quorum for the committee in absence of the required quorum upto 30 minutes after the time fixed for the commencement of the meeting the same shall be adjourned and may be held again, the same day or the next day at a time announced by the President at the expiry of 30 minutes.No Quorum or any other notice is necessary/shall be required for an adjourned meeting, but no other new matter will be included in the Agenda in the adjourned meeting.
(j) Procedure for conducting business at meeting:
(1) The President of the Committee shall preside at the meeting and in his absence Vice- President. In the absence if President/ Vice-president,a Chairman may be elected among the members presentto preside at the meeting.
(2) Any matter not included in the Agenda may be taken up for consideration at the meeting with the permission of the Presiding Officer provided it is not an adjourned meeting.
(3)The minutes of the last meeting shall be read and confirmed at each meeting of the Committee.
(4) In case of difference of opinion, decision will be taken by the majority of the members present.
(5) No. proceedings of the Committee shall be invalid only on the ground that there was any vacancy.
Copy of the resolution of the committee of the election of office bearers shall be SENT TO COUNCIL FOR ITS APPROVAL.
Copy of the annual budget and annual audit report shall be sent to council for approval.Council will have right to amend, add or cut or struck off any expenditure. Council will also have right to ask for explanation about any discrepancies found in audit. If in the opinion of council the managing Committee is not functioning well or working against the provision of scheme of administration or there is a dead-lock due to dispute, the council will nominate an administrator,who will assume full power of the committee till such time as Council deed it.
If there is any dispute with regard to office bearers member of the committee,or any other dispute in the Institution it shall be referred to Council,which will decided it and its decision shall be final.
(m) Selection Committee:
There shall be a selection committee of the Institution for appointment of the staff members. The selection committee will have 5 members, President,Secretary ,Manager and two members(as experts nominated by the council).
The decision will be taken by majority but at least one expert should agree.
The decision will be taken on merits. The selection committee will recommened the candidate for appointment to the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall appoint the candidate and send its resolution with full particulars of the whole selection committee’s proceedings for Approval to the council.After approval of the council,the candidate will appointed.
The executive Committee can disagree with the Selection Committee and will send its report alongwith all connected papers of the selection committee to the council for approval.The decision of the council shall be final.
The Council can disapprove the appointment in the event of disapproval by the council, the post will again be advertised and again the selection will be made.
No expenses will be allowed to candidate.Institution will have to bear the T.A& D.A. of the experts appointed by the council.
(n) Procedure for appointment of the Staff:
(1) The vacant post will be advertised at the Notice Board of the office and in local papers.
(2)At least 15 days time will be allowed to prospective candidates to apply.
(3) After scrutinizing the application,the applicants found fit for the post will be called for interview.
(4) An intimation will be sent to the candidate informing time,place for interview before the Selection Committee.
(5) The post which is to be filled must be pre-approved by the council.
(6) If the required any additional post a case for creation of additional post must be sent to Council for approval.
The Institution will import education as prescribed by the council.
The successful examinees will be awarded certificate/diploma as prescribed by the Council.
The Institute will receive only that fee which is approved by the Council.
The Institute will co-operate in conducting the examination of the council.
The Institute will give full facilities to Council authorities when they visit Institute for inspection or an official duty.
The Institute will send on prescribed form for the enrolment duty filled by the candidate and enrolment fee to the Council.
The Institute will send on the prescribed Examination form duty filled by the candidate alongwith examination fee to the Council.
1. Affiliation of the Institution:
(A) Application for the affiliation should be given on prescribed Form “Annexure No.1’’.The Fee the Prescribed Form will be Rs.1000/ .
(B) (a) There shall be two types of Institute/centers.
(1) Fully controlled by the council and
(2) Affiliated Institute.
(1)Fully controlled Institute where the strength of students is above 100 and upto 500 the Principal/Director can make expenditure upto 3000/- contingencies and where the student are above 60 upto 99,the Principal can make expenses upto Rs.1500/- p.m. and take sanction afterwards by the Council and get it approved.
(2) The Affiliated Institute shall be of there (a),(b) and (c) grade: The requirements and conditions shall be as follows:
(1) One Principal, 8 Lectures, 3 Clerks, 3 Peons, 1 Medical Superintendent, 1 Medical Officer Incharge, 3 Medical Officers, 1 Nurse and Compaunder-cum-Pharmacist and Sweeper.
(2) 6 Class rooms, Principal’s room,, office, Library, Laboratory, Outdoor and 5 Bed indoor Hospitals.
(3) Students should not be less than 50.
(c) (1)There shall be at least 1 Principal, 4 Lectures, 1 Clerk and 1 Peon.
(2) There shall be four class rooms, one office and one Principal’s room.
(3) The No. of students should be upto 50.
(C) The qualifications of teaching staff shall be:
Principal: Doctorate in Electro Homeopathy with one year experience as Principal or 3 years experience as a Lecturer in Electro Homeopathy with three year experience Principal or ten years experience as Lecturer of Electro Homeopathic Institute.
Lecturer: Doctorate in Electro Homeopathy or Master’s Course in Electro Homeopathy or bachelor’s Course in Electro Homeopathy or any recognized Medical course recognized by the Council.
Clerk: Intermediate
NB: Degree/Diploma/Certificate recognized by the Council will only be considered for the qualification of the staff appointments
(D) The qualifications and grades of the staff shall be as follows-
Part time:
(a) Principal: Rs.3000/- to Rs.5000/-
(b) Lecturer/ Medical officer 2000/-to 4500/-
(c) Demonstrator: 1500/-to 3000/-
(d) Nurse/ Compounder/ Clerk 1200/-to 2500/-
(e) Sweeper: 500/-to 1000/-
Whole Time:
(a) Principal: Rs.4500/-to Rs 9000/-
(b) Lecturer/Medical Officer:4000/- to 8000/-
(c) Demonstrator/Nurse/Compounder/Clerk: 3000/-to 4500/-
(d) Peon:1500/-to 3000/-
(e) Sweeper: 800/- to 1500/-
(f) If Principal/ Director, holds also charge of medical Superintendent, he will get allowance of Rs. 2500/-per month.
(E) The Affiliation Fee of the institute will be Rs.50,000/- and for the Centre Rs. 25,000/-
(F) Management Committee will deposit Rs,1,00,000/- as security money for affiliation.
2- Rules Regarding Admission:
(a) Application for admission shall be made on prescribed Form(Annexure No.2) to the Principal/Director.
(b) Attested Copies of educational qualification shall be attached.
(c) If any information furnished by the candidate is found false or incorrect his admission is liable to be cancelled.
(d) The Principal/Director of the Institute has right to refuse any admission without assigning any reasons.
Details of Course
C.E.H.P. (Certified Electro Homeopathic Practitioner)- (1) Anatomy & Physiology,(2) Philosophy & Pharmacy,(3) Medicine &Practice.
C.E.M.S. (Certificate in Electro Homeopathic Medical System):
Ist year-(1) Anatomy, (2) Physiology ,(3) Philosophy & Pharmacy, (4) General Pathology,(3) Hygiene & Health ,(4) Environment Science & Herbology.
2nd year-(1) Ophthalmology & E NT (2) Medical Jurisprudence & Toxicology (3) Nutrition & Dietetics (4) Obstetrics & Gynaeocology (5) Materia Medica (6) Practice of Medicine.
4- Rules for the payment of fee:
1.The fee shall be charged for all the months.
2.Fees once paid shall not be refundable.
3.Students shall not be permitted to sit at any examination of the Institute unless all the dues outstanding against their name have been cleared off and clearance certificates are obtained from the head of the various departments.
4.Guardian of the students are personally liable for all the dues etc. Standing against their wards.
5. All the admission fee must be paid at the office of the Institute at the time of admission and monthly does can be deposited in two installments including exam fee.
6.In case of defaulted late payment fine,Rs.10/-per day shall be charged upto maximum of 30 days after which the defaulters name shall be struck off the rolls but he will remain liable to the Institute for all dues outstanding against him name till the date.
7.A student whose name has been removed from the Institute will be re-admitted 500/- within one month from the date of removal of his name.
There shall be a library which will be equipped with important medical books,journals periodicals of different subjects. There shall be a library and card and books will be issued on Libarary cards.The book issued must be returned at the earliest in seven days.If the book is lost or damaged,the full cost of the books and penalty which should not be more than the cost of the book will be paid.There shall be an incharge of the library,who shall maintain the full records of the books, will issue books and will be responsible to main the library.
(a) In every year, there will be examination conducted by council. The date and scheme shall be declared each year by the council.
(b) The attendance of the student in the lectures of the Institute should be 70% in each subject and in default, he is liable to be detained in the class and will not be allowed to appear in the examination.
(c)If the student absence himself from the examination, he will be declared as failed in the examination.
(d) Examination Superintendent will be incharge and shall be responsible for conducting all theory and practical examination smoothly.
(e ) Examination Superintendent has to keep examination papers, copies and he shall be responsible for any leakage in papers. He shall be responsible to send copies to council safely.
(f) If any case of unfairness or leakage is detected, the matter shall be referred to council whose decision shall be final.
(g) 40% marks are necessary to pass the examination. Following percentage of marks are necessary for necessary for each Division:
1st Division – 64% and above
2nd Division – 50% and above
Pass- 40% and above
(h) If student has secured 40% marks in aggregate, but could not secure 40% marks in not more than three subjects, he can reappear in semester examination conducted by council as prescribed in Rules.
(i) The date of semester examination will be declared by the Council and the candidate will be allotted centre’s. The candidates shall have to pay semester examination fee Rs. 2000/-
(j) Examination Superintendent, invigilators, paper setters, Practical examiner will got following remuneration:
(1) Examination Supdt. Rs. 500/- per meeting
(2) Invigilator Rs. 400/- per meeting
(3) Contingency of Centre in which clerical staff and peon will also be paid Rs. 3000/- fixed
(4) Paper Setting Rs. 1000/- fixed
(5) Copy evaluation for each copy Rs. 10/- each copy
(6) External Examination Rs. 1000 fixed for a day
1st class T.A.& D.A. including
30 paise P.K.M. Incidental Charges
(7) Enrolment Fees (Once) Rs. 1000/-
(8) Annual Exam Fees Rs. 3000/-
(9) Revaluation Charges Rs. 500/-per subject
(10) Duplicate Copy Rs. 300/- Per Document
(11) Certificate/Diploma Charges Rs. 1000/-
(12) Council Central Registration Fee Rs. 9000/-+3000/- for 1 set med.kit
(13) State Registration Fees Rs. 5000/-
(14) Council Registration RenewalFees (after 1 year) Rs. 3000/- Life Time
(15) E.H.P. Welfare fund Rs. 1000/- per year
(16) Convocation Charges Rs. 1000/-
(k) Centers will be allotted on a strength of 25 students otherwise the students will have to appear at the nearest allotted centre.
(l) Marksheet of the students will be sent to the Institute.
(m) The Certificate/Diploma of the Council will be given to the successful candidate in a convocation after taking oath to be worthy of the certificate.
(n) Travelling will be 1st Class fare plus D.A. permissible as per rules of the Govt. Conveyance with incidental charges @ 0.30 p. per km. and communication @ Rs. 10/- for each candidate for one subject.
7- Convocation:
Certificate/Diploma will be distributed in the Institute in a convocation to the candidates.Candidates shall have to make oath as prescribed by the Council to be worthy of the certificate and to act in accordance of the certificate before taking the certificate/Diploma. In the absence of Registrar, the Principal of the Institute or Senior lecturer duly authorized by the student shall present the candidates. The convocation address shall be delievered by the Chief Guest. There shall be a Proctorial Board in the Institute comprising three lecturers and the senior most lecturer will be the Chief Protor, and the Board shall be responsible to maintain discipline in the Institute The Board can make action and will suggest expulsion, rustication to the Principal/ Director.
8- Discipline:
1- Student shall be abide by all rules and decorum and orderly behavior in the Instt. And Hospitals as are here under laid down.
2- Every student is required to keep an Identity Card duly affixed with photograph and signed by the Principal of the Institution.
3- Any student found guilty or misbehavior, disobedience of student, neglect of studies or orders of the Principal shall be liable to fine, suspension or explusion. Student found guilty of carelessness, breakage or removal of the Institute, belongings shall be taken to disciplinary action.
4- Any student who wishes to discontinue his studies from the Institute shall submit to the Principal a formal application and deposit the necessary dues upto the date.